Stress Relief for Kids: Taming Your Dragons
Creative Relaxation Activities for Home and School
by Martha Belknap
In this wonderful book and companion CD, a couple of friendly dragons show stressed-out kids how to handle the pressures of daily life. Seventy-six easy relaxation activities—involving centering, stretching, breathing, moving, imagining, creating, singing, and a special dragon thermometer—help children learn to handle stress at home and at school. Whether they’re dealing with playground conflict, sibling rivalry, academic worries, or the local bully, kids will be equipped to cope after they’ve practiced the simple techniques presented in this book and CD.
The relaxation scripts and guided-imagery exercises on the CD each run from 10 to 14 minutes. Play one after lunch or recess to help kids settle down to their class work.
: Through the book's use of creative relaxation activities, kids learn to direct themselves and each other to a better place.
The fun card game promotes self-awareness through listening, questioning, and sharing in an atmosphere of trust, cooperation, and honesty.